Posts Tagged ‘tax certificates’

Loans for those who Do Not Receive Payslips

March 25th, 2010 56 Comments
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Every person has a specialization and has a skill that he or she is good in.  These personal skills are usually the reason why they get hired in the first place.  The job may be a menial job, a job at a company, self-employment, project based jobs, seasonal jobs, and a lot of other options.  Different jobs of course mean different modes of payment.  For most employees, payslips are common and these provide the necessary information on how much income is received, any previous loans made, the status of the loans and similarly related items.

Payslips are often required by banks and lenders in order to approve different types of loans.  In order to avoid risk, they need a basis for granting their loan products, and the easiest way to assess these loan products is by requesting for payslips from those who receive them.  A problem then arises when those who are employed do not receive payslips.  Where there are no payslips to present, it becomes difficult to get approval for the loan as banks have no basis whatsoever for granting the loan.

However there are ways to prove that you indeed receive income and that you are employed.  The most common way is through an employment letter from your employer.  You may also choose to provide tax certificates or group certificates as proof of income.  For those who have property holdings, it is also possible to present the property’s assessment value you can also likewise present salary credits.

The more documents you can present, even without the existence of payslips, the more likely that your loan will be granted.

For more information on how to get a home loan without the use of payslips, it would be best to consult the experts on home loans.  They can provide you with the necessary information and advice, as to which documents may be acceptable to a particular lender or bank in order to enable you to have your no payslips home loan approved as soon as possible.