Posts Tagged ‘qualify for loan’

Loans Even Without Genuine Savings!

April 6th, 2010 30 Comments
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There is no question about it, banks and lenders often require genuine savings in order to qualify for a loan.  However, this is not always the case.  Loans without genuine savings are possible, and can be made as long as you are in the right situation.  

You can be the proud recipient of a gift, or be the beneficiary in an estate proceeding where you are made an heir to a large amount of cash, or you made a windfall in the stock market by playing it smart.  All of the above mentioned items are not genuine savings but are viable deposit substitutes.  All that genuine savings does is make it less risky for the banks when they give out and approve a loan.  However, it is still not a guarantee that the repayments will be paid.  The same thing goes for no genuine savings, the banks and lenders may be taking more risks, but it does not immediately mean that the person with no savings will not be able to make the repayments.

Thus, all a person has to do is to prove that they have enough money to make a certain deposit amount, and that it does not have to be genuine.  The only difference is that the money is not kept in the bank for 3 to 6 months, which is usually the main indication whether a certain amount is genuine or not.

This means if you are in such a situation where you have enough money to make a deposit, but the only problem is that it is not genuine and you are fortunate to have such an amount on hand, then you can consult us, the home loan experts.  We can provide you with the necessary information on no genuine savings loans, and how to maximize their use.  Enquire online now for free!