Posts Tagged ‘Overtime’

Overtime Income Loans

March 25th, 2010 13 Comments
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People work hard to earn their keep, in fact some work as much as 16 hours daily or work 36 hours before taking a break.  This is usually due to overtime, and lack of personnel to do their jobs.  Overtime for those in the health sector, law enforcement, and the emergency department, find it to be very common and is part of their daily life.  This means that they earn a lot more than their basic salary because of the overtime that they get.  The problem is that when they apply for home loans, often their overtime income is either not at all recognized or only partially recognized.  For these workers it is not fair to recognize only a portion of their overtime income, but the overtime income should be credited 100%.

However, this is not how some banks and lenders think.  These lending institutions think that overtime is not regular income and should not be credited and added to the income earned in a possible loan application.  This is because if overtime is recognized they will be taking undue risk in something that they cannot be sure of.

Thankfully, not all banks and lenders refuse to recognise overtime income.  There are several lenders out there who are willing to recognise your overtime income as long as it is regular enough.  There are likewise some classes of employment wherein overtime income is immediately recognised.

It is just and fair to include the money earned from overtime to be added to the facts in the loan application.  The same work, or often harder work is done during overtime, and people are more fatigued and tired doing overtime work as it is beyond their usual work hours.  To deny them their right to get a loan would be the height of injustice.

For more information on overtime income and how to get 100% of your overtime recognised it would be best to consult the experts on home loans.  They can provide you with the proper information on how to get your overtime income recognised entirely, and hence, enable access to bigger and better loans.