Posts Tagged ‘citizenship’

Home Loans for Foreign Citizens

March 3rd, 2010 50 Comments
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Moving to AustraliaYou have lived and worked “down under” for a number of years already, yet you are still renting a place, and paying the monthly rent is becoming too much of a hassle for you.  You would like a place to call home, but the problem is you are not an Australian citizen.  You ask, is it possible for a foreign citizen to be granted a home loan?

The answer to the above question is a resounding yes!  You may be a non-resident, but do not despair, it still does not deprive you of your right to live in place that you can call your own.  This should also clarify the long standing misbelief that just because you are a foreigner, you are not qualified to get a mortgage.

Of course it may sound easier than the actual loan application, but that shouldn’t be much of a bother.  The point of the situation is the fact that foreigners can be granted home loans.

The basic requirement is generally FIRB approval.  Once this is granted then purchasing property with the use of your home loan should not be a problem.

Once these requirements are submitted, then you basically have as much of a chance as any Australian citizen in getting a home loan.  In fact, citizenship actually is not a major factor.  The important part is that you can show you are capable of paying the loan, and if you have a strong financial position.  Always remember that banks and lenders are just seeking to find the best borrowers, and this means borrowers who can and will pay on time.  Just because you are a foreigner does not mean you are a bad borrower.  In fact, you may be a better borrower than most as long as you can prove it by providing the bank or lender with the necessary documents.

In these instances it is also good to point out that if you are not a citizen, but are married to an Australian, then this increases the chances of your loan being granted in the first place, less documentary requirements, and generally you can get up to 95% of the value of the property as a loan.

For more information on loans of this nature, it would be best to consult the experts.  They can provide you with tips and advice on how to ensure that your home loan application is granted for a temporary visa holder living in Australia.