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Best Home Loans Australia

June 22nd, 2009 31 Comments
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Home Loans Australia may or may not be a company but it’s the most common search term used by Australians who are looking for information on the best home loans Australia has to offer.

In fact the best home loans Australia has on offer changes almost daily. Banks continually change their product line up and tweak their offers to attract different segments of the market all the time. In order to find the best home loans Australia has at any one time you need to locate a favourite web site that continually updates the information and provides links to various unbiased information sites.

It’s all a matter of choice but as a guide to what to look out for here are some tips on choosing your best sources of information as you search for the best home loans Australia has on offer.

  1. Individual Banks and Lenders sites will only contain information about their own products. Sometimes the information may say things like ‘Winner of Best Home Mortgage 2006’ or something similar. This may be misleading, simply because the category of the award may not suit your circumstances or needs. Also it does not mean that it is the best rate. Awards are judged on different criteria and you need to know what these are before you can judge the products they are claiming to be the ‘best’.
  2. Not all banks or lenders have sites that fully explain how their products work. It is a simple fact that home loans are very complex and each individual applicant will have special differences. It is these differences that make choosing the best home loan from web site information almost impossible.
  3. Generic information sites like infochoice and Cannex have an amazing amount of information that may point you in the right direction. They also offer an unbiased approach. However, they also have so much information that it is difficult to fathom your way through the information which is relevant to you.
  4. Mortgage Brokers often have the most relevant information to make your decision making easier. This is because they can filter out the less pertinent products and information and narrow your choice. This certainly makes life easier for you, provided you choose the right Broker.
  5. Most Mortgage brokers sites are difficult to find and often they fall into the same category as the banks, ie a lot of information but nothing specific to your needs.
  6. Look for Blog sites where you can see how up to date the information is. Anything more than a week or so old may indicate stale information.

Don’t despair however. Once you find a Mortgage Broker you can trust, either through a recommendation from a friend, or simply calling a few and comparing their approaches, you will be well on the way to finding the best home loan Australia has for you.

You can ask the same questions and see what answers you get. Hopefully the information you receive will be consistent and your choice will then probably be based on how comfortable you felt during the discussion.